Weather permitting, TOMORROW, Thursday, October 1, MN Roadways is planning to begin asphalt removals and prep work in the parking lots located at the 2250 and 2272 buildings.
Please move your vehicles out of the 2250 and 2272 parking lots to Benson Ave by 7:00 am both Thursday & Friday, October 1 and 2. This includes vehicles in garages if you need to drive it tomorrow or Friday. If you have guests, this notice does apply also to them. All vehicles must be removed from the 2250 and 2272 parking lots by 7:00 am both Thursday & Friday, October 1 and 2.
MN Roadways has posted notices on the garage doors affected.
After MN Roadways has removed the asphalt and have left for the day, you can drive onto the base.
Subsequent phases of work including concrete and paving would follow the next week and after.
Throughout this project, your full cooperation is an absolute MUST in order to make it a success!!
Social distancing is to be practiced with the crew and all residents for your own safety.
Plan ahead to help minimize any inconvenience to yourself and family members, while your parking lot is being done.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while the work is in progress.
We understand how this impacts your time at home and will move through the project as efficiently as possible.
Thank you to the residents of 2250 and 2272 that moved all vehicles for the work to begin! The concrete installation work by MN Roadways in the 2250 and 2272 parking lots will continue today through Monday, October 5.
Once finished, the parking lot areas will remain closed for approximately seven days to allow proper concrete cure.
All concrete has been installed and MN Roadways is currently waiting for a minimum seven-day cure necessary on the city-owned driveway apron approach area.
Weather permitting, MN Roadways will be on-site Monday, October 12th to finish all base rock installation and fine grading work prior to paving.
Weather permitting, MN Roadways will be paving the first lift of asphalt base course pavement on Tuesday, October 13th
MN Roadways will be installing the base lift today in the 2250 and 2272 parking lots.
You will be able to drive onto the base asphalt tomorrow. The second and final asphalt lift will be scheduled soon.
Additional update notices will be posted and emailed mid-week regarding the final grading and asphalt paving work. Supplemental notices will be posted and sent in the event of uncooperative weather or any scheduling changes.
The concrete installation work by MN Roadways in the 2250 and 2272 parking lots is in a holding pattern due to the abnormal weather. MN Roadways will not be able to schedule the final asphalt lift until the forecast turns more positive. Predictions are that late next week and into the following week, the temps turn to the warmer side.
Residents can continue to park on the asphalt and drive into the garages.
Weather permitting, MN Roadways will be installing the final asphalt lift on the 2250 and 2272 parking lots this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30.
Please remove your vehicles by 7:00 am from the 2250 and 2272 parking lots – and also garages if you need to drive your vehicle before Sunday afternoon. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE VEHICLES OVER THE FINAL ASPHALT UNTIL SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 1ST.
MN Roadways experienced equipment breakdowns before they could get to Brandychase today.
They want to make sure they have enough time to complete the project to everyone’s satisfaction. MN Roadways will get the wear course paved one day next week. They will once again post notices a day or 2 in advance for the residents and we’ll send out an email blast again to notify everyone.
MN Roadways does apologize for the delay, but would rather push the paving to next week than to rush the job today and possibly make a mistake with the drainage by paving in the twilight/darkness this afternoon/evening.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while the work is in progress.
We understand how this impacts your time at home and will move through the project as efficiently as possible.