I want to introduce myself as I am taking over your community for Kathy, she is still going to be staying with Gassen part-time and will assist me for a while before she steps back.
I have been a Board President for 10 years in my former association, I have 9 years of Employment Property Management experience, and have been with Gassen for 7 months, currently, I have 12 properties. In my free time, I am the Treasure for the Minnesota Speleological Survey, I enjoy home improvement, gardening, and random adventures in nature.
If you need to reach me for any reason the best route is through the customer service line at:
When you call in please be sure to be as specific as possible with the concern or issue you have and your address and property name. Client Support has access to your community information and can answer many of your questions so you don’t have to wait for me to respond.
I try my best to respond within 24 hours to your concerns, please do note my working hours are M-Th (4 10-hour days). The office line listed above is available 24/7 which is why it’s the best line to call to reach me.
I don’t know all the answers, but I will always do my best to work with your Board and resolve your issue or concern. I look forward to working with you and getting to know some of you.
As your first update, I want to let you know that your irrigation has been turned on.