The 2020 Annual Meeting of Members of Brandychase at Shepard Park Owners’ Association, Inc. will be held at 6:30 P.M. on September 9, 2021, at the Highland Park Senior High. 1015 Snelling Avenue, Saint Paul, MN Conference Room 1010 for the following purposes:
- To elect two (2) Directors for a two (2) year term;
- To transact other such business as may properly come before the meeting.
Please check your mailbox for the following items:
- Agenda for the Annual Meeting
- Proxy & Proxy Return Envelope
- 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
- Candidate Profile Form
The most important item on the Agenda will be the nomination and election of two Members to the Board of Directors as the terms of Justin and Samuel expire at the Annual Meeting. Justin does not intend to run unless there are no other capable candidates and Samuel is willing to serve on the Board if re-elected. Nominations may also be made from the floor at meeting.
Please make every effort to attend this important meeting for it is at the Annual Meeting that all of the homeowners have the opportunity to directly participate in the governing process of their Association. A majority of the members must be represented either in person or by PROXY before any business can be legally transacted at this meeting. It will cost your Association several hundred dollars of your assessment money if it is necessary to call another meeting, so please make every effort to either attend this important meeting or exercise your right to vote by PROXY.
If circumstances should render it impossible for you to attend, please complete and return the PROXY to the Association. You may complete the proxy electronically, please see your mailing.
If you have any questions concerning the Annual Meeting or the enclosed materials, please contact the management office.
Please make every effort to participate, even if only by Proxy, in this important meeting.