The Brandychase at Shepard Park Community Garden is a resident volunteer effort under the support and protection of the Association’s Board of Directors. The number of plots is limited. The increase in shade from nearby crabapple trees is resulting in less than full sun for some plots. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure access to a plot for as many residents as possible and to coordinate the selection of plots based on sun requirements for desired plantings. Vegetables and flowers are welcome.
- A resident volunteer* coordinates the assignment and management of plots in the Community Garden according to guidelines approved by the Board of Directors
- The volunteer coordinator notifies residents in March (April Billing mailings) requesting the following information by April 15 (no earlier than April 1st) of each year:
- Request for a garden plot
- A list of Desired Plantings, and Request for full sun or partial shade (based on requirements for desired plantings)
♦ Requesting gardeners realize sunlight varies depending on plot allocation. Not all gardeners will be able to plant items requiring full sunlight. There are plenty of vegetables and flowers that don’t require Full sunlight (See attached list). Please consider a couple of these when submitting your request for a plot.
- The volunteer coordinator works with requesting gardeners and allocates plots on a lottery format** after mid-April, based on planting requests and their need for sun.
- Plot assignment/allocation is done yearly. Gardeners aren’t guaranteed a plot the following year. No assumptions should be made that He / She will continue to use the same plot they’ve had the previous year.
- Perennials (plants or vegetables that come back each year) are allowed. The gardener realizes that perennial plants must be transplanted to a new plot the following year, and planting a perennial does not guarantee a permanent plot.
- Responsibilities:
- Volunteer Coordinator*:
- Timely Notifications and Coordination of Plot assignments, Monitor maintenance of plots, Notify board of maintenance issues that can’t be handled by individual gardeners.Gardeners:
- Gardeners:
- Gardeners are responsible for adding soil, nutrients (Organic fertilizers are preferred), protective devices, plant cages/supports to their plot. Gardeners are responsible for any watering their plants require, as well as clearing their plots at end of each season.
- Board:
- The BSP Board recognizes that the Raised Gardens are an Amenity. The Esthetic look of the Raised Gardens, or any amenity for that matter, is important. While individual gardeners are responsible for the upkeep of their plots, the Board will work with the Resident Volunteer Coordinator to try to accommodate any suggested renovations/improvements that seem appropriate.
- Volunteer Coordinator*:
*Currently Ladley, 2254 D
**Lottery format enables the best solution for the fairness of plot choice and allocation. A day and time will be chosen that fits the schedule of as many gardeners as possible. Gardeners are assigned a number. Plots with more Sun and more Shade will be identified. When a number is drawn, the Gardener will have the choice of a plot that best serves his / her planting needs based on their submitted planting requests.
Shade Plants
As mentioned above, not all plots receive the required amount of sunlight to accommodate “Full Sun” vegetables and Flowers.
Below is a list of several popular vegetables that don’t require Full Sun*.
Brussels Sprouts
Mustard Greens
Swiss Chard
* To increase your chances at a successful harvest, follow these Tips:
- Most importantly, use good soil. Quality soil should contain plenty of nutrients. Try using soil containing Compost.
- Watering: Don’t over water. Moisture doesn’t evaporate as quickly in shade. Be mindful though, if plots are beneath a tree canopy, water may not reach your plants.
- Be patient! Vegetables that grow in shade will probably take longer to mature than those grown in Full Sun.