In preparation for the 2019 Annual Meeting, enclosed is a Candidate Profile Form for use by any Homeowner interested in serving on the Board of Directors. Two Board positions will be open at the Annual Meeting as the terms of Justin and Samuel expire at the Annual Meeting. Justin & Samuel are both planning to rerun.
Any interested candidates are invited to complete the candidate form and return it to our office by April 10th. Completed Candidate Profiles will be sent to Homeowners with the Annual Meeting Notice, which will provide them with the opportunity to learn more about the candidate(s) who wish to serve on the Board. This procedure, of course, does not preclude nominations from the floor during the meeting. Please do not return your form with your assessment payment, but send the form directly to our office.
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You may also complete this form online at www.omega-mgt.com/cpf.
Annual Meeting Date
The 2019 Annual Meeting has been set for 7:00 p.m., May 9, 2019 at 7th Street Social. A formal meeting notice will be sent in accordance with the Association’s Bylaws.