What to expect for the storm that is bearing down on us today.
The National Weather Service has extended the Blizzard Warning to cover the entire Twin Cities Metro area due to the expected 6-12 inches, winds gust up to 50 MPH, and rapidly falling temperatures. Due to the Blizzard Warning, vendors may temporarily pull plows off the job but they will return as soon as it is safe to do so.
Since there is going to be more than 4 inches of accumulation, open ups will occur based on grounds specifications. However, due to the high winds and rapid rate of snowfall, we would not expect the open-ups to be effective for very long and may be delayed due to the blizzard conditions.
We understand the timing with the holiday most homeowners are celebrating is not ideal but we appreciate your patience and grace as vendors work through these difficult conditions. Your snow vendors will be working in dangerous conditions, both with wind and low temperatures, so going slow is the only option. Please note that due to the continued high wind, drifting will be an ongoing problem, even after open-ups and final plowings are completed. Vendors will be returning through the holiday weekend to tackle the additional drifting as soon as they can, after giving crews appropriate rest after the long overnight.
Thank you for your patience.