During the winter months, Brandychase at Shepard Park homeowners may find themselves confused concerning the services provided by the grounds contractor, Twin City Lawncare & Landscape. Below is a summary providing some detail on the services they provide and what you should expect.
For every snowfall exceeding 2″, drives and parking areas will be cleared of new snow accumulation*.
Deadlines for completing work:
Open Up Completed after 4” or more of new snow by 6 AM and/or 5 PM Final Plowing 2 – 6” 6 – 12”
6 Hours 12 Hours
18 Hours
Final Shoveling 0 – 6” 6 – 12”
6 Hours 12 Hours
18 Hours
General Scope of Work:
Open Up Includes a single width plow path from within six feet of each garage door to the street Shoveling
Unit steps, sidewalks – full width (includes City sidewalks along Madison). Fire hydrants – a two foot wide path from drive/street to hydrant, and a two foot radius around hydrant. Garages – any strips in front of garage doors which were missed by snow plows.
For a specific list of the duties of the ground contractor and a schedule for when those duties are to be performed, please refer to the Winter Grounds Care Specifications.
*Accumulations will be measured at Brandychase and will vary from the MSP total.