In preparation for our Annual Meeting coming up in May, we are asking Homeowners to let us know of their experiences in the past year by asking a few simple […]

In preparation for our Annual Meeting coming up in May, we are asking Homeowners to let us know of their experiences in the past year by asking a few simple […]
It’s that time of year and once again we may have vacant units that pose the potential for severe water damage from frozen pipes. To make sure we are being […]
A Committee was appointed at the November 2017 Board Meeting to study the issue of smoking at Brandychase. Changes are occurring in condominium and townhome associations throughout the country, and […]
Walters will be picking up Christmas trees on the regular trash pickup days the weeks of January 2nd and January 9th. Homeowners will be responsible for any charges incurred for […]
Effective on January 1, 2017. New separate 1% wind/hail deductible. A wind/hail deductible work like this: If there is a covered loss to a building due to a wind/hail event, the […]